Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Excitement Returns to St. Paul's

Protesters from Occupy chained themselves to the pulpit during Evensong in the cathedral today.
As usual Simon Sarmiento has all the scoop and then some over on Thinking Anglicans.

Also as usual, there is the public handwringing over "civility" combined with the contemptuous "let 'em freeze in the nave overnight" sentiments.

As far as I'm concerned, the cathedral clergy have only themselves to blame.  If they weren't such eager lackeys of the City banks and brokerage houses, then no one would be accusing them of selling out their temple to the Moneychangers -- or renting it out.

Jesus engages in respectful dialogue with the Jerusalem Financial Industry Council in this painting by Valentin de Boulogne from the 17th century.


Here are the miscreants during Evensong.  They later released themselves when the cops threatened to enter the cathedral to arrest them.

Our own little Anglican Pussy Riot.


JCF said...

Uff da!

it's margaret said...


Anglican Pussy Riot.

double like.
Triple like