Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Good Samaritan Goes to Arizona, or Idaho, or Kansas, or Whatever

A man drove down the road and was flagged down by some thugs who dragged him out, pistol whipped him, and left him by the side of the road bleeding and unconscious.

An evangelical preacher from a mega-church drove by in his Audi and asked, "I wonder what terrible sin he did to deserve that.  Maybe he was gay."

A real estate developer drove by in his Mercedes and said, "I hope someone forms a posse to hunt down the animals who did this and bring them to justice!" and drove on.

"Driver, speed up!" said the hedge fund manager as he looked up from his copy of Atlas Shrugged to see the man lying by the side of the road.

A faggot driving his rental car home from working the breakfast and lunch shift at Applebee's pulled over and got out of the car to help the guy by the side of the road.  He could see that the man was hurt bad, so he called 911 on his cell phone.  The EMTs arrived, took one look at the faggot stooped over the man and said, "We don't approve of your lifestyle.  We refuse to help you and your boyfriend." And they sped off.

So the faggot picked up the man, drove him to the hospital himself, stayed with him and argued with the emergency room doctors to treat him and save his life, sat in the waiting room until he heard that the man was treated and would be alright.  He told the doctors that he would be back to check on the man the following day.  He returned and helped the man contact his family and friends.

Which one was the better neighbor?

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